IT services for companies

You have a business and would like to get advice on your IT environment?

With the knowledge we have built up over the past few years we can help you to make better use of your IT resources.

You have everything in-house but do you make optimal use of the resources?

For example:

  • You installed Office and Microsoft recently released all sorts of beautiful collaboration capabilities with Office 365 but how does it work and do your employees really (want to) work with it?
  • You have a number of other applications running for example an ERP package and a CRM system but do not know how to link them together. How can you make it more user-friendly?
  • You have outsourced the management of your IT environment but that firm does not do what has been agreed; how do you ensure that you can roll out new features as soon as possible for the users?
  • You have a Web site but you are dissatisfied with the functionality?
  • Your company only has a few computers in the company and they need maintenance?

It’s time to turn to us for tailor-made IT advice!

What can we do for you?

With all the above issues we can help you. In case of companies we generally only give advice, the execution we leave to specialized companies. There are a few exceptions:


Together with you, we formulate an offer in which we quantify the number of hours to be spent. The cost per hour starts at € 50,00 depending on the type of work.


If you have any questions or want a quote? Please use our contact form.

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